Code of Conduct
- We welcome and support people of all backgrounds. As such, speak to people as though you are speaking to your mother (or Lux).
- We all depend on each other to create the best community. Your behaviors will affect our members, and you should take those consequences into account when acting.
- We won’t all agree all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for disrespectful behaviour. When we do disagree, try to understand why.
- Always conduct yourself appropriately for the situation. Harassment and exclusionary behavior is not acceptable in any circumstances.
- In general, if someone asks you to stop something, then stop. If you want someone to stop doing something to you, tell them.
- A community’s reputation depends on the actions and integrity of its members. It is essential that you avoid actions and activities that hurt, or appears to hurt, our reputation as a community.
Discord Rules
- Don’t be a dick. This means no racist, homophobic, sexist, messages, or threats towards any person on the Discord.
- Along these same lines, religious, political, and other similar discussions will not be tolerated, and they will be shut down when started.
- The Cubed Chaos Server Network is an 18+ network, please do not join if you are not 18+.
- No posting links for other Discord servers or Minecraft servers. Stream links and YouTube videos are fine.
- No spamming, anything. This includes stream links and emojis.
- Do not attempt to bypass any filters.
- Do not attempt to get around any bans. We will know.
- Do not DM staff. Instead, send any questions to the “Questions” channel, and it will be answered.
- Cracked accounts are not allowed on any of the servers. Please make sure you have a legal Java account.
- Do not ask for Mod or Admin. These are given as Lux sees fit, when he sees fit.
- Avoid bringing your personal life drama into the server when possible. We all come to Minecraft to escape what’s going on. If you genuinely are struggling, though, say something.
- Please use text channels and voice channels appropriately.
SMP Rules
- Don’t be a dick. Must this be said again?
- No drama. This means causing drama between members or bringing outside life drama into the server.
- No thieving or griefing. Doing so will result in a BAN. Pranks are fine as long as you help clean it up, but demolishing a base is never okay.
- No exploiting game glitches. Any sort of duping and the likes will result in a BAN.
- No hacks or abusing resource packs, such as X-Ray. Again, this will result in a BAN when you are caught.
- Respect the shops, owners, and economy system. Stealing or purposely underpaying will be treated as theft.